Did you know that tourism is one of the world’s largest industries? It’s a $5.81 trillion industry, to be exact. And with that much money at stake, it’s no wonder the tourism industry is wreaking havoc on our planet.

While climate change and tourism aren’t new topics, they are becoming increasingly intertwined.

From airplanes emitting greenhouse gases to cruise ships dumping waste into the ocean, the tourism industry is hurting climate change. In this blog post, we will explore the negative effects of tourism and how we can reduce its impact on our planet.

The Global Impact of Climate Change Tourism

Many countries around the world have already felt the impacts of climate change. Scientists say that the Earth is currently experiencing its sixth mass extinction, with over one million species of animals and plants at risk of disappearing.

Extreme weather events and the increasing sea level rise are just some of the effects of climate change that have already been observed. And as the world continues to warm, these effects will only become more pronounced.

The tourism industry is a major contributor to climate change. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), three tourism sectors are revealed to release the most carbon emissions – transportation, accommodation and tourist activities.

Tourism demand is often the root cause of other environmental problems. As more people travel to popular tourism destinations, the need for natural resources such as water and energy increases. This often leads to the overuse of these resources, which can lead to pollution and other environmental problems.

Examples of How Tourism is Hurting the Environment

There are many examples of how tourism is negatively impacting the environment. Here are just a few:

Increased Water and Energy Consumption

Tourism development is often water-intensive, as it requires the construction of resorts, hotels and other tourist infrastructure. This can lead to the overuse of water in areas that are already facing water shortages.

In addition, the tourism industry is a significant consumer of energy. From transportation to accommodation, the tourism sector uses a lot of energy. And as the demand for tourism increases, so does the energy demand.

This increased demand often leads to constructing new power plants and using fossil fuels, which further contribute to climate change.


Both rural and urban environments are being affected by deforestation due to tourism. In rural areas, forests are cleared to make way for new tourist infrastructures such as hotels and roads.

Trees are being cut down in urban areas to make room for more buildings and parking spaces. This loss of vegetation results in a decrease in the ability of these areas to absorb carbon dioxide, which leads to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

Urban and tourist infrastructure located near coastal areas also contribute to deforestation. As these areas are developed, the natural vegetation that helps protect against erosion is often removed. This can lead to increased flooding and soil erosion during storms.


From the waste produced by hotels and resorts to the exhaust fumes from vehicles used to transport tourists, the tourism sector and the tourists are responsible for pollution.

The tourism industry produces a lot of waste, and much of this waste ends up in our oceans. It’s estimated that eight million metric tons of plastic end up in our oceans yearly – and a large portion of this comes from the tourism industry.

Not only does this pollute our oceans, but it also harms the marine life that lives there. Turtles and other animals often mistake plastic for food and ingest it. This can lead to health problems and even death.

Coral reefs are also being harmed by pollution. The sun bleeds these sensitive ecosystems due to increased greenhouse gas emissions. This bleaching harms the reefs and the marine life that depends on them for food and shelter.

Animal Cruelty

Animals are often used for entertainment in the tourism industry. From elephant rides to dolphin shows, animals are forced to perform for the amusement of tourists.

This treatment of animals is cruel and often harmful to their health. Elephants, for example, are not meant to carry heavy loads on their backs – this can cause them a great deal of pain.

Dolphins in captivity often suffer from health problems due to the stress of living in small tanks and being forced to perform tricks. In some cases, these health problems can be deadly.

How Sustainable Tourism Helps Combat Global Warming

Sustainable tourism is a growing movement working to combat some of the adverse effects of tourism on the environment.

As sustainable tourism development emerges, we are shifting away from the traditional mass-tourism model. This new model focuses on eco-friendly practices and sustainable development.

Some of the critical components of sustainable tourism include:

• Reducing energy consumption

• Minimizing waste production

• Preserving natural resources

• Protecting biodiversity

• Supporting local communities

Sustainable tourism is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to make a positive impact on the environment. As more and more people become aware of the need for sustainable practices, we can expect even more progress in this area.

What You Can Do to Combat Climate Change

Since climate change affects tourism, it’s essential for everyone – tourists and industry workers alike – to do their part to combat this global problem.

There are a number of things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling:

Look For Eco-Friendly Accommodations

Many people are focused on finding the best deal when booking a hotel room. However, it is also important to consider the environmental impact of your lodging choices. There are some things to look for when searching for eco-friendly accommodations.

One is to find hotels certified by organizations such as LEED or Green Globe. These certifications indicate that the property has met specific environmental standards in water and energy conservation, waste reduction, and indoor air quality.

You can also look for hotels that offer green amenities such as solar panels, electric vehicle charging stations, or on-site recycling programs. And don’t forget to ask about the property’s housekeeping practices – environmentally friendly hotels often use recycled materials for bedding and towels and employ guest linen reuse programs.

Travel by Train or Bus

Traveling can be a great way to see the world and experience new cultures. However, it is vital to consider the environmental impact of travel before booking a trip.

One of the most carbon-intensive activities associated with travel is flying. A single round-trip flight from New York to London emits approximately 1.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per person. This is equivalent to the annual emissions of a typical car.

To offset these emissions, you can purchase carbon credits or participate in other offsetting programs. You can also fly less often, or take trains or buses instead of flying when possible.

Traveling by trains and buses is much more efficient than flying and can be just as enjoyable. It also allows you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenery.

Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a significant problem, both in the United States and around the world. It is estimated that one-third of all food produced globally is never eaten.

When you travel, do your part to reduce food waste by only ordering what you can eat. If you’re staying at a hotel, take advantage of the breakfast buffet but don’t overindulge. And when ordering from a restaurant menu, be mindful of portion sizes and consider sharing dishes with your travel companions.

You can also reduce food waste by buying local produce and products. Not only is this good for the environment, but it also supports local farmers and businesses.

Support local businesses

When traveling, one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint is to support local businesses. This includes everything from eating at locally owned restaurants to buying souvenirs from small shops.

You can also help by patronizing eco-friendly businesses working to reduce their environmental impact. These businesses often use sustainable practices such as energy-efficient lighting, solar power, and water conservation.

In addition, many local businesses are happy to share their knowledge about the area’s flora and fauna, as well as its history and culture. This can help you learn more about your destination and have a more authentic experience.

Travel locally

Before you venture out to someplace new, take a look around your backyard. There are probably several places you’ve been meaning to visit but haven’t had the chance.

Travelling locally is one of the best ways to reduce your carbon footprint. This means taking day trips or weekend getaways close to home instead of flying to far-flung destinations. Not only will this save you money, but it will also reduce your environmental impact.

So next time you plan a trip, think about all the fantastic places in your backyard.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to climate change, we all have a responsibility to do our part. And as travelers, we have the unique opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.

As the rising sea levels and increasing temperatures show us, climate change is a real and pressing problem. But by making small changes to the way we travel, we can help reduce our impact on the environment.

So next time you plan a trip, keep these tips in mind and do your part to save our planet. Thanks for reading!